tisk zpět

Nepřímá otázka a nepřímá žádost, příkaz (Reported Question and Reported Request)

A) Převeďte otázky na nepřímé s úvodní větou "HE ASKED...".

  1. Is Berlin in Poland?
  2. Are all snakes poisonous?
  3. Are you having a good time?
  4. Are your parents going on holiday on Friday?
  5. Do you like chocolate cake?
  6. Does Peter live in Oak Street?
  7. Does it cost more than a thousand crowns?
  8. Is there an airport in Brno?
  9. Are there any lions in the local zoo?
  10. Have you ever heard this song?
  11. Has it been snowing for a long time?
  12. Did you buy any butter?
  13. Did Joe watch the news?
  14. Did you have breakfast?
  15. Have you had a shower?
  16. Will you be at home at six?
  17. Can you skate?
  18. Should we tell her the truth?
  19. Could you eat ten hot dogs?
  20. Would you go to the cinema with him?
  21. Where is the closest bank?
  22. Why are you still in your pyjamas?
  23. When are your friends coming back?
  24. What are you talking about?
  25. Where does your boyfriend come from?
  26. Who lives in that old house?
  27. When do you usually get up?
  28. Who is going to pay the bill?
  29. What are John and Mary going to do at the weekend?
  30. How long have you been learning English?
  31. How many times has Bob been to Egypt?
  32. Why did you sell your typewriter?
  33. Why did you say that?
  34. When will Jack be back?
  35. Where can I sit?
  36. Why should I apologise?
  37. What would you do in a similar situation?
  38. When do you have to leave?
  39. How many hamburgers have you had?
  40. How much money did you have on you?

B) Převeďte věty na nepřímou s úvodní větou "SHE ASKED ME...".

  1. Do you realise what this means?
  2. When are you going to answer my question?
  3. How do you manage to do everything on time?
  4. Why does she always bring you presents?
  5. Will you get in touch after you’ve returned?
  6. When did you arrive at the airport?
  7. Have there been any interesting shows on TV today?
  8. Who is the man in that picture?
  9. Where are they spending Christmas Day?
  10. Do we have to buy a ticket every time we get on a bus?
  11. How long has it been raining.
  12. Why are there so many plants in your room?
  13. Will you have finished by Saturday?
  14. Was everything sold yesterday?
  15. Is Tim going to have his watch mended?
  16. How many times have they tried to reach me?
  17. What size shoes do you take?
  18. Will there be a live band at the ball?
  19. Should I have let you know that they had contacted me?
  20. What exactly are you trying to say?
  21. Were there any bodyguards at the concert?
  22. Would you go to school if you felt really sick?
  23. How much longer will it take you to read that newspaper?
  24. Did you have to make many changes?
  25. Have you ever had your blood pressure taken?
  26. Will you be angry if they are late again?
  27. Where did you meet the girl who’s dancing with Nick?
  28. Have you got a pen I can borrow?

C) Přeložte.

  1. Přikázali mi, abych se naučil anglicky.
  2. Požádali mne, abych otevřel okno.
  3. Řekli mi, abych si poslechl zprávy.
  4. poradil jí, aby si vzala deštník.
  5. Požádali jsme je, aby mluvili tiše.
  6. Rodiče mi nařídili, abych neutrácel moc peněz.
  7. Řekla mi, abych tu krabici neotevíral.
  8. Teta mne požádala, abych navštívila babičku.
  9. Matka mi nařídila, abych přišla jsem domů brzo, abych uvařila večeři.
  10. Poradili jim, aby si koupili si auto.

D) Spojte věty, užijte SO AS / IN ORDER.

  1. He rang the bell. He wanted to tell us that the dinner was ready.
  2. They got up very early. They wanted to get to the top of the hill before sunrise.
  3. He sent me to Spain. He wanted me to learn Spanish.
  4. I took off my shoes. I didn’t want to make any noise.
  5. He read only for short periods each day. He didn’t want to strain his eyes.
  6. He coughed. He wanted to warn them that he was coming.
  7. He sent his children to their aunt’s house. He wanted to have some peace.
  8. I am learning Greek. I want to read Homer.
  9. I sent him out of the room. I wanted to discuss his progress with the headmaster.
  10. She learns hard. She wants to get a good job.

E) Přeložte.

  1. Musel jsem spěchat, abych nezmeškal vlak.
  2. Jel do Německa studovat němčinu.
  3. Nemluvil jsem, abych ho nevyrušoval.
  4. Trénovala, aby vyhrála první cenu.
  5. Podíval jsem se z okna, abych viděl, jak je venku.
  6. Vešel tiše, aby neprobudil dítě.
  7. Odejdu v sedm, abych to stihl.
  8. Šplhal výše, aby se dostal na vrchol.
  9. Šetřil peníze, aby si koupil dobré auto.
2008/2009 Veronika Lipusová
Dlouhodobá maturitní práce na téma: Přehled anglické gramatiky střední školy